Mustafain Meghani's profile

CAD Ranks as Deadliest Disease in the World

Award-winning cardiologist Mustafain Meghani, MD, joined New York’s Albany Associates in Cardiology in 2017. Mustafain Meghani, MD, has published papers on a variety of cardiology topics in hopes of promoting best practices among peers and improving patient outcomes.

It should come as no surprise that the health of an individual’s heart is critical to his or her overall well-being. However, some people might be unaware that heart disease is in fact the deadliest disease on the planet. More specifically, ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease (CAD), takes the lives of more humans every year than any other illness. In any given year, CAD is responsible for about 15 percent of all deaths worldwide.

In 2015, 8.8 million individuals died from CAD, a figure that unfortunately represents an increase of nearly 3 million people over the year 2000. CAD mortality rates are actually on the decline in the United States and parts of Europe, while developing nations are seeing mortality figures rise.

CAD can be defined as a condition in which blood vessels tasked with supplying the heart with blood become too narrow. Risk factors for the disease include smoking and having high blood pressure or cholesterol, while methods of mitigating the risk of developing CAD range from regularly exercising to maintaining a healthy diet and weight. If left untreated, CAD can result in chronic chest pain and the development of arrhythmias, while the most severe outcome is total heart failure.
CAD Ranks as Deadliest Disease in the World

CAD Ranks as Deadliest Disease in the World


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