ewa dorociak's profile

MUSEUM OF CURSED SOLDIERS / Prison Transformation


Design task was about transformation of an existing prison complex on Rakowiecka Street in Warsaw into a museum dedicated to the memory of political prisoners who fought for freedom with totalitarian gouvernment in Poland before transformation and who were unfairly convicted, tortured and killed mostly in this prison.

Design solution proposed by our team tries to show the subject in a way that is objective, nearly scientific,  - without manipulation that is characteristic for totalitarian gouvernments. According to the concept, all historical buildings would be restored to its original image from a time where they were built. Our intervention into historical structure is that we make "cuts" that enable to look differently at this buildings and history.

First intervention is a cut-opening in prison wall - this symbol of penitentiary in a fragment transforms into new doors which open whole complex for everyone. Prison wall don't jail any more. Neither is impenetrable any longer.

Second intervention are cuts for new plazas - they change perspective of experiencing whole complex and reverse existing functionality. What was earlier a piece of doors, now doesn't have any practical function - the same with paths, roads and benches. Whole complex is like an exhibit which someone perceive by looking around, getting closer and farther - by experiencing it differently than former prisoners. What earlier has been used day by day, now looks like a scene/performace. Who is couragous enough to jump on this scene? System broke, everythig  has became uncoverd and uncensored. This buildings won't prison and hide any more.

Muzeum of Cursed Soldiers and Political Prisoners in Warsaw
/ Transformation of a Prison Complex on Rakowiecka Street in Warsaw
open competition, 3rd place

design team: Ewa Dorociak, Pamela Krzyszczak, Alicja Rudowska, Anna Szewczyk

informations you can find also on:
https://sarp.warszawa.pl/sarp_konkurs/wyniki-konkursu-na-muzeum-zolnierzy-wykletych-i-wiezniow-politycznych-prl-w-warszawie/ (button: "III miejsce")
MUSEUM OF CURSED SOLDIERS / Prison Transformation


MUSEUM OF CURSED SOLDIERS / Prison Transformation


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