James Round's profile

The Deadliest States for Cyclists / Outside Magazine

The Deadliest States for Cyclists

Client / Outside Magazine


A longform infographic detailing the reasons behind cycling fatalities across the United States.

It hasn’t been this dangerous to ride a bicycle on American roads in three decades. And in the face of our greater public-health crisis, more people than ever are riding bikes to avoid public transportation and to safely exercise outside. That means that as restrictions lift and cars begin returning to our roads at pre-pandemic levels, even more cyclists will die. This year, Outside is tracking every cycling traffic fatality. Read more about their #2020cyclingdeaths project here.

As part of this project, I worked with Outside magazine to produce an infographic that explored and explained the reasons behind these deaths. Working with Outside's striking black and yellow colour palette, I created a layout that was clean and minimal, putting the key numbers at the forefront of the design. This was a great brief on an important subject, and you can see the finished infographic here.

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The Deadliest States for Cyclists / Outside Magazine


The Deadliest States for Cyclists / Outside Magazine

A longform infographic detailing the reasons behind cycling fatalities across the United States.
