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Blockchain-based Digital ID in HR: A proactive recruitm

The implication of blockchain-based digital ID has shown up in Human resources, especially in the recruitment process.
[caption id="attachment_4039" align="aligncenter" width="626"] Blockchain-based Digital ID in HR[/caption]
A strong team of competent and specialized personnel is always the foundation of a growing business. Recruitment is the first action to build a good foundation for businesses. Today, there are a lot of new technologies that are being applied and demonstrating outstanding capabilities, therefore, organizations, human resources departments and the candidates themselves should be well prepared for this, starting from digital ID.
Most common recruiting pain-points
Recruitment is the process of finding and selecting the right people, in order to satisfy both the requirements of the position with the company's long-term goals and candidates’ expectations. This is an extremely essential factor for the development of the company. However, there are many difficulties in the recruitment process that both businesses and candidates are facing:
A slow and narrow hiring process: This happens specifically in the screening stage
There are a lot of candidates out there but companies can only reach very few of them, which means that there is less chance for your company to reach quality candidates. Moreover, a slow hiring process makes this chance even more narrow because they have more time to think about whether they want to work at your company or not. 
Low trust on how a candidate will perform in real-life scenarios
Now suppose that you have some resumes in your hand. Their information and experience seems good and suitable for your business. That’s great. But what if they are making it up to make them sound more potential? And if you still hire them and then their performance fails you, there are two ways to deal with it:
Fire them and you have to reschedule all the hiring processes to seek another candidate (which might the same with this one)
Continue to hire them but you have to make more effort, time and money to train them. 

Prejudice and bias: 
Normally, a resume includes all information about candidates, both relative or non-relative to job requirements. When recruiters look into a resume, they can see both types of this information. Then, they might notice some information that can make them unconsciously have a bad impression, such as the candidates’ nationality, countries where they come from, companies they used to work at, etc. It’s so-called prejudice and bias, even when these recruiters have never met these candidates.
Through these 3 pain-points, we can see that the availability of labor in the area and the ability of broad approaching candidates strongly affect the recruitment criteria. All of the above pain-points can lead to a bad decision in recruitment. The consequences are that you can’t find a proper candidate for your company and waste too much time and money on pending tasks. We believe that you definitely don’t want this to happen. Here's how a blockchain-based digital ID can help.
How a blockchain-based digital ID ease the recruitment pain-points 
A blockchain-based digital ID is a decentralized ledger of identity. All the digital attributes and digital activities of a person will be stored automatically on blockchain platform. Information stored in this decentralized ledger will remain with immutability, transparency, and traceability as a reliable database for recruiters to rely on when making hiring decisions.
Let’s see through the value of applying digital ID to both recruiters and candidates along with the recruitment process: 

To recruiters and companies:
Identifying job description:  recruiters can easily determine and analyze particular tasks, duties, and requirements of a given job, based on information from previous employees.
Approach more of potential candidates: with blockchain, all information is stored in one secure “place”. Combine with AI, when companies have some vacant positions, information of potential candidates that match requirements from all over the world will automatically show up and then recruiters just need to schedule to set up next steps.
Improve resume trust: Digital ID performs based on the principle of immutability, meaning that once the input information is verified, it can’t be changed for some personal reasons.
Avoid prejudice and bias while interviewing: The interesting thing about digital ID is candidates only need to provide job-related information without giving any extra details that might affect recruiters’ objectivity and still retain their credibility. 
Time-saving: Companies will save a ton of time for manually seeking and evaluating candidates on first-round; stay focused on getting more meaningful information while interviewing when they know the CV are truthful.
To candidates:
Instead of giving both related and non-related information to companies, with decentralized ID, candidates have the right to choose which one they want to share and take back control easily if they fail the interview. 
Update skill and experience fully and automatically: this helps candidates to enhance their competitive ability for the position they want. 
All information is protected with cryptography: candidates can ensure that their information can’t be changed, hacked or used for other purposes when they provide it to companies.
Good recruitment helps improve the efficiency of the job and the company’s reputation, avoid having to constantly recruit new employees, and save human resources training costs. It is supposed that blockchain will change the human resources industry tremendously in a positive way. 
akaChain has been watching closely every move and growth of blockchain technology in each industry. Our developers are also deploying many potential projects applying blockchain, especially digital ID in real life. We'll keep you posted for more valuable information.
Contact us for more information: 
Website: https://akachain.io
Phone: +84 962 516 915
Email: admin@akachain.io
Addresses: FLC Twin Towers, 265 Cau Giay street, Dich Vong Hau ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Blockchain-based Digital ID in HR: A proactive recruitm

Blockchain-based Digital ID in HR: A proactive recruitm


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