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SPIRITS PACKAGING | bonnie's boon

SPIRITS PACKAGING | bonnie's boon
The concept behind the appearance of the Drambuie Whisky bottle and its packaging is derived from the romantic Scottish legend of Bonnie Prince Charlie and Flora MacDonald. The now globally appreciated drink originated as a recipe that was given to Flora as a gift of gratitude from the Prince for helping him escape the English army.  

“Bonnie’s Boon” is obtained from the double-meaning of “Boon” being a favour or something that is beneficial, which alludes to Flora’s major good turn and the ultimate benefit that came from it - the royal recipe that would embed itself within the Whisky industry.
The packaging operates as a gift set with multiple design attributes that give more context on the story behind what’s in the bottle. The signature scratchboard drawing of Flora and Prince Bonnie in a dress (as a disguise) becomes the emblem of the narrative. Flora becomes the prominent figure in the picture with her arm resting on the Prince’s shoulder, since she was the hero behind it all and ultimately the reason we’re able to enjoy this sweet and spicy taste today. The faded tea-coloured background and scratchboard technique ultimately makes up for the suitable vintage look & feel that resonates perfectly with the romantic legend. 
As the lid is opened, the romantic legend is revealed to give clear context behind the conceptual approach before unwrapping the bottle.
The iconographic pattern consists of elements relevant to the legend of Prince Bonnie and Flora and is also drawn with the scratchboard technique to remain consistent with the label’s artwork.
The wrapper is an interactive component that provides more context and resonates with a giftset. The map is the area around which Prince Bonnie was pursued and where he’s found temporary havens.
Bottle unwrapped
Front & Back Label
It was fitting to add a recipe booklet, seeing that this flavoured spirit originated from a family recipe. The cocktails are also drawn with a scratchboard technique and according to the specific attributes of its serving and entities.
SPIRITS PACKAGING | bonnie's boon

SPIRITS PACKAGING | bonnie's boon

Whisky packaging with illustrated label
