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Typography Portrait - Stephen Hawking

Typography Portrait - Stephen Hawking

Portrait illustrations have always been focused on life-like faces or good interpretations of it. The modern century sees a very unique approach to portrait illustrations that uses typography or words to create picturesque designs. For this style of portraiture I was thinking about how after we die our physical bodies leave but our words remain in the minds of those we interacted with.

Below is the portrait of Stephen Hawking (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018 ) - Master of the Universe. I used circular typeface in combination with a mix of different colors and font sizes to create a portrait of Stephen Hawking. The portrait includes his quotes, his name and other related words.

The project was completed in May 2018.

Typography my portrait - Design by me

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Typography Portrait - Stephen Hawking


Typography Portrait - Stephen Hawking
