What is a Tension Headache? How does it occur?
Tension Headache is the most common and primary headache caused mainly due to stress, bad posture (while working or sleeping), lack of sleep or dehydration. According to a study, 90% of the times tension often leads to headache. It is most frequent among the adults and majorly women as compared to men.

Tension Headache occurs generally in the neck and the scalp muscles. This causes pain on both the sides of the head varying from migraine. The pain in this type of headache is moderate but could be intense some of the times. The moderate pain can be cured easily by some commonly prescribed antidepressants such as aspirin or ibuprofen but intense pain may require a proper prescription from the Doctor.

Tension Headache could be one of a type, either episodic or chronic in nature. Episodic headaches occur for 2-3 days in a month whereas the chronic headaches occur for about 15 days in a month.

Causes of Tension Headache

There isn’t a single main cause for tension headache but this can be caused due to many reasons. Up to a large extent, this type of headache is triggered by stress and it could be of any kind either from work, family, friends, relationships etc.

Let us see, other than stress what causes Tension Headache?

This type of headache is not acquired from family rather it is caused because of some activities that are not suitable for the proper working of muscles. Some of the triggers causing tension headache are as follow:-

· Mental, physical or emotional stress.
· Lack of sleep or not enough rest.
· Staring at the computer screen for long period of time.
· Bad posture or improper sleeping positions.
· Overexertion
· Anxiety or Depression
· Dehydration
· Eyestrain
· Hunger

Source : Wat Not




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