Simple product design: Terracotta writing surface for kids of 5-7 years
It is a reusable writing surface, where terrasigillata burnished surface helps to provide the easy wiping and rewriting on it.

Based on animal forms and characters. The surfaces are provide with grids, lines, patterns for initial learning and practicing with a holder to store chalks and sponge.
Made from simple basic tools like hacksaw blade,brush tips for grids and a ruler.
Technique used is throwing and patting into the form. Small throwing containers for holders and fixed later.
size- 7''.8'' with three sides. 
Used colored slips for decorations 
Grids and lines 
Animal character,there can be series of them.
Similar forms with different character
Other form explorations with the same idea.
Technique used is throwing a wide cylinder cutting into half and slab building to fix the other sides.
Black body where colors can be more visible, achieved through reduction firing.   
Provided some patterns to play with




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