There's two of my favourite things mixed up in this project: Character design and vampires.
This was originally for a series of webcomics, turned animated series, then webcomic again about a young and naive vampire being hunted and persecuted by a seasoned and self-centered vampire hunter.
A rather simple concept, kind of like a Tom & Jerry cartoon... just a bit more... dark.
Anyway, a lot of ideas were tossed around, but this project is about the two main characters, so here they are:
Original sketches for the vampire. Just drawn with a few expressions and posses.
Concept art for the vampire hunter. I'm proud of this one and I had tons of fun doing it. I also threw in some weapons and machinery he could use... kind of like a Wile E. Coyote.
Color test for the vampire. It's mainly black, yellow and black. His hairdo is kind of like the Bram Stoker's vampire wig.
Now some color for the vampire hunter. His main colors are white, purple and red. Purple is such a nice color, gives him a sophisticated and elegant look.
Vampire & Hunter

Vampire & Hunter

Character design of a young vampire and his nemesis, the vampire hunter.
