Mihye Walker's profile

Eyeball Skateboard

     The goal of this project was to create an intricate skateboard design. The final project needed to be unique, something that has rarely, or never, been done before. While the project guidelines asked for both the top and bottom design of the skateboard to be created, only one side needed to be complex.
     Initially, I only had a few ideas, but as I continued, they kept getting weirder. Like many of my other projects, I challenged myself to do something that no one else has probably done. If I am just sketching randomly, I almost always go with eyes. I have not done a project with eyes yet, and I thought it would be interesting to draw my sketches digitally. Starting out with a more refined sketch, I finalized what I wanted to do: multiple creepy eyeballs,
     I started with figuring out the exact dimensions I needed to make my design. After that I began making the eyeballs. First I made several circles and gave them a radial gradient to add depth and I did the same with the pupils. I knew I did not want flat irises, so I used the pen tool in Illustrator to add layers of depth with varying values of color. There are 3 different eyeball patterns that I created and for each one I used two different colored eyes. I moved some of the shapes around in the eyeballs so they would not look too similar. After varying the sizes I layered them on top of one another to 'crowd' the composition. 
     I knew the majority of what I worked with. I enjoy changing the value of the colors to make the parts look more realistic. I had not used Photoshop in an actual project before. I learned how it is very different from InDesign and Illustrator. I got frustrated with many of the controls and had some difficulty with the mock up file. Learning to navigate Photoshop was an ordeal, but I can use what I learned for future projects. 
Eyeball Skateboard

Eyeball Skateboard
