Andrew C's profile (Digital Collateral) is a fan-created weekly webshow featuring all things PlayStation related. I assisted with their design collateral and also wrote articles on their website as well.
Article Signatures
To help identify each writers work on the website, I created author signatures to be placed at the bottom of each article on the site. These all were unique to each writer, and linked back to a page of their published work on the site. It included a small blurb about each writer, as well as some social media information (if available).
Stream Backgrounds
Backgrounds featured here exist to be the background layer during a live-stream. Depending on the type of show or game we are playing, the backgrounds will change to suit the layout of video capture as well as our various shows that we host weekly. 
On Screen Banners
During the RadioPlayStation live streamed shows, overlay banners were used to help provide viewers with pertinent information about their website. These overlays were the initial designs and concepts used in the beginning stages of livestreaming via the twitch website. 
PSVita Backgrounds
Shortly after the release of the PlayStation Vita handheld console, I made several backgrounds to use on the device featuring the PlayStation symbols and the RadioPlayStation logo. These were made available for free to the public for use on their devices. (Digital Collateral)
Published: (Digital Collateral) is an unofficial fan-created PlayStation website providing live-streams, community game nights, and written articles and new Read More
