Wisse Stolk's profile

Raaf Mixer (Concept Art)

Raaf Mixer
Music video for childrens television series 'Raaf Mixer'

Raaf Mixerrelease            
Television/ Web
Television Series
Summer 2008
Concept Art
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Creators Alieke van Saarloos and Sia Hermanides needed a visual representation of their plan when they pitched their series to television networks. As there was no material shot yet, they asked me to create a visual companion from scratch.

I drew upon their script for inspiration and produced a single poster showing the main characters in their different enviroments. The poster was one of the reasons they landed the series at Dutch broadcaster VPRO.

Ultimately, the style I created got incorporated in the series leader and defined the athmosphere.

Unfortunately I cannot display the poster in my portfolio due to legal reasons.


I experienced Wisse as creative and highly committed. Wisse's main strength to my experience is the quality of his creative ideas and vision (e.g. his vision as to what the set should look like). He is friendly and great guy to work with.
    Jacqueline van den Ende, Producer at Raaf Mixer
Raaf Mixer (Concept Art)

Raaf Mixer (Concept Art)



Creative Fields