Animated Deer

A simple clay deer (with a supportive armature) becomes a shimmering figure in a magical world. 

The armature is just some wire twisted for support then shaped like a stick figure deer.
I used foil for bulk and to keep the figure like enough to balance properly. I didn't use supports other than the armature for this particular figure. 

I used modeling clay to build the deer over the armature. 

Because the whole figure is soft modeling clay, the piece required adjustments and corrections as I moved the figure. The figure was photographed in a variety of poses and movements. Overall, the figure stayed sturdy through the project. 

After that, I experimented with some different filters to create the vibe I wanted. Then I paired it with the piano track (also my work).

Below you will see some stills. 
Keep scrolling to see different filtered clips of the deer. 

The final video includes the finished video and sound. 
The basic deer.
The black and white filter highlights some of the detail and shadow. 
This filtering had a fun, trippy, effect but it wasn't quite what I wanted. 
This take highlights how slight changes in the filtering and effects can make a harmless little forest create into a weird nightmare. The mind projects fear into shadows. 

This take gave the overall effect I was seeking and pairs well with the sound. It's the whimsical, playful, but "still-sort-of-creepy" vibe I wanted. 
Animated Deer


Animated Deer

This stop motion animation shows a clay deer chilling in a magic landscape.
