Syandy Han's profile

Remember Why - Citra Pariwara31

Ask Yourself Why

There has never been a time like this where ideas are overflowing and creativity is abundant.

Companies around the world are echoing one thing - that is, the importance of creativity to fuel innovations and in return, boost growth. In the world of more fierce competition and short - termism,
we are pushed (and often pressured) to come up with something new, something different,
and something exciting all the time… but not always something meaningful.

And in the quest to put out work that breaks the clutter, we end up making more clutter with creativity that maybe different, but mostly marginal. In the end, it leave us coma of overdosed boredom than alive more inspired by the result of our own work

Maybe we have lost our fire and souls. Maybe, we have parked that meaningful work we have been planning to do for too long. But either way, we seem to have been too comfortable with our research-proof work and approval-guaranteed templates.

We don’t fight enough for our own reason to exist - that is creating work that influences human behavior, feelings and spirit. We know we are not delusional enough to think that we are saving the world, but we can - and must - take pride of our work and believe that our work matters.

Maybe we should find where we keep that fire in us and lite it up again.

Maybe we should ask ourselves what is the purpose of our profession and why it should matter for us?

In the Citra Pariwara 31, we want to encourage all creative professionals out there to take time revisit why we do what we do, and why we have fallen in love, in the first place, with the creative industry.

Because purpose is not profit. Purpose is about losing yourself to something bigger in you
to create something that are of value to others.

And to find that bigger self in you, let’s revisit ourselves and ask why.

In this year Citra Pariwara, we put out the trophies aside and we decide to skip all the black and gold glamour. Instead we fill it with colors, just like how we used to see everything.

And we commemorate every feeling that we feel the first time we fell in love with creative industry.


CD : Yogi Wiweka
Art Director : Syandy Handrian
Client : Citra Pariwara

Based on Creative direction by Roy Wisnu

Remember Why - Citra Pariwara31

Remember Why - Citra Pariwara31

Citra pariwara adalah lomba Ratusan karya iklan terbaik dari seluruh, yang Diselenggarakan oleh Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia sejak 1 Read More
