Eszter Szabó's profile

Next member of the Mercedes-Benz compact car family


Today good car designs are genderless, they do not possess any differentiation, however, according to sociocultural trends, the need to be able to customize our devices to mirror our own personality, style is growing. As a female designer I feel the most fitting task for me is to find solutions for hidden needs to serve female users further through customization. 

Ignoring clichés I looked for the answers to these hidden needs which could open up new directions for the future mobility.




E S Z T E R  S Z A B Ó

Next member of the Mercedes-Benz compact car family

Next member of the Mercedes-Benz compact car family

Today good car designs are genderless, they do not possess any differentiation, however, according to sociocultural trends, the need to be able t Read More
