AW Entry2015
This also includes lost Mayan temples above ground, plus a Ziggurat.
This is build that started with a vision in 2015 to help demonstrate the advanced abilities and to show Activeworlds in a new light towards new users entering for the first time, unlike the traditional more purpose made entry worlds, this one was built through a world wide group of advanced builders of the Activeworlds platform, a team was setup, to design and build this project, my concentration was for some attractions on the outer ring, builds that would excite and promote Aw in a different light.
Beginning at the top, above ground the vision of a lost overgrown Mayan style city and then incorporate an entrance to the underground, surprises that would await the visitor.
AW Entry2015

AW Entry2015

This also includes lost Mayan temples above ground, plus a Ziggurat. This is build that started with a vision in 2015 to help demonstrate the adv Read More
