All 8 planets, plus the sun and the moon, with the Hunab Ku at he top (an important symbol in Mayan culture that represents the center of the Galaxy, the center of galactic consciousness and knowledge) The planets are designed by taking inspiration from Mayan, Aztec, and some Greek influence and symbols. The dots and lines at the top are the Mayan numeric sign for 12, 22, 2012, which is the day after the Mayan long Count, the end of the calendar cycle. It represents the first day of a new Era, and is a positive take on this whole "End of the World" or "End of Days" that people were assuming of, but not well informed. Because it is not the end of the world, the world did not end. In fact, the planets kept on went on, and a new Era began. Each planet also has incorporated into it the current astrological symbol, which I thought was a nice creative touch.
Please leave comments letting me know what you think.  I am currently working on coloring it, so expect a new colored version up in several days.
Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar

All 8 planets, plus the sun and the moon, with the Hunab Ku at he top (an important symbol in Mayan culture that represents the center of the Gal Read More
