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Nike + Basketball Club - Mobile app

Nike + Basketball Club - Leave your legacy on the court!​​​​​​​
What is Nike + Basketball Club?
Whether you’re just getting started or trying to make it to the top, the Nike + Basketball Club app surrounds you with all the essentials that you need to be a better basketball athlete. Compete against your friends and other players around the city. Earn rep as you better your game and complete every training session with a purpose.

Why do we need "Nike + Basketball Club" ?
Nike's ecosystem is ever expanding. We already have Nike Run and Nike Training Club changing lives of millions of people around the globe. The swoosh giants are capitalizing the NBA universe right now. From Jordan to James, Nike has it all. It only makes sense for them to introduce the basketball club and train millions of aspiring athletes to reach their full potential.
'Nike was started with a dream of making athletes perform better.' 
How did I come up with "Nike + Basketball Club" ?
Living in Europe, It is not very easy to wake-up early in the morning to watch your favorite team compete in the NBA. However as a designer, the best I could do was stay up late and craft something for the sport. I train with Nike + Training Club app quite often at the gym. So I had this idea of fusing them together and design this product. 

Defining the User and Business Goals.
User Goals:
1. Train users to be better basketball athletes.
2. Giving them an ability to train at their own pace. 
3. Help them achieve their best with professional lessons from the Pro athletes. 

'Psychologically we think, When we have more information, We have more choices.'

Business Goals:
1. Market Nike's hot and latest basketball product range. 
2. Advertise their online campaigns,blogs and stories.
3. Plug-in more traffic at the Nike events to generate more hype around the product and the brand itself.

My role and challenge as a designer.
As this product is generally just a concept work, My role was broadly limited to design an identity, experience and Visual language of the product. This case study was written in February 2018.
The most challenging aspect of this product was to create an experience that fits right into the Nike's Digital ecosystem and form a language that makes it stand-out and not seem like a clone to other Nike Products.

Designing an user-persona and crafting an empathy map.
Designing an identity.
It was crucial for me to design an identity that feels right at Nike's Digital home and speaks the same language as other platforms in the space.​​​​​​​

User Experience and Interface.
1. Feed
This serves as an homepage for the app. A user has an ability to get started with recommended training drills, get an insight about the Nike products, add drill sessions to his "favorite" tab and interact with them in a few more ways. 
2. Drills
"Drills" comprises of a segment where an user could categorize his training between certain play styles. He could opt for Offensive or Defensive styles of training regimes or could even extend his approach to a step further with "My Drills". A section where he could add his preferred drills and create his own personalized training space. All an user got to do is tap on the little "Plus" Interaction on the right of an each card and the drill shall be automatically added to his personal training list.
' Humans are wired in a sense where a feeling of having a control assures us that we will survive.'  

3. Training
An user could "download" the new training session that he opted for or could continue the session in progress through this part of the interface. Additionally an user could choose to play his favorite choice of music during the session.He could even add some personal notes incase he wishes to. 
4. Club
"Nike Club" is the core of Nike's every Digital Product. In a broader context It is no different in this experience as well.  One could keep a tab on the leaderboard, know his current progress status among his friends and be a part of Nike's global community.

"Nike-courts" is an introduction of bringing your best to the streets!
An athlete could choose to go solo or complete in team events against the other athletes of the city and earn rep with each win and leave his mark as he progresses through the courts.
5. Inbox
This is a general inbox section where the notifications and messages from Nike will be shown. 
6. Screens
I truly do think that this product could potentially prove as a game changer in Nike's digital scene and help athletes change their future for the better. This type of experience could pave a way for the new up and coming generation of athletes playing different sort of sports at different levels and also help Nike increase its brand value even more. 
1. Jacob Olenick ( Las Vegas, USA) - "I absolutely love NBA and play basketball on weekends. An app like this can actually help me grow a lot in the game and I could possibly show off  the skills I learn through this platform to my friends every Sunday, haha"
2. Shivam Sharma ( Ludhiana, India) - "What I love the most about this experience is how well it fits in with the other Nike apps that I already use. I don't play basketball myself but I really love this idea and If I ever would want to invest time in learning the sport, I know what would I like to look for in a product like this"
Nike + Basketball Club - Mobile app

Nike + Basketball Club - Mobile app

Run the Courts! .- Concept.
