Common-Pence is a guide on how to save money and live life more frugally. A play on the word ‘commonsense’ it points out the little things that we tend to overlook such as paying for things we should and could be getting for free.
Instead of the usual long, boring dribble that you get with most self help guides, Common-Pence consists of short, witty tips that get straight to the point and teach you how to save money or in layman’s terms “how to be a stinge”. However these tips are not to be taken literally but be a light-hearted view on how we could save money in the most unexpected ways. Common-Pence is aimed at an audience of students, young professionals and the unemployed, as they benefit most from it’s advice. The Common-Pence series consists of The Common-Pence Book, Website and App.
The Common-Pence app is a free download that allows users instant access to the Common-Pence blog. It also has more playful interactions such as “Generate your daily stingy tip Button” and “Stingy checklists”. These interactions display various tips and tasks from the book daring the user to complete them.
The Common-Pence website consists of a blog that encourages people to get involved by sharing their own stingy tips with each other. The website allows users to like peoples tips, make comments and share information via links with other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The website also promotes Common-Pence products such as the book and the app.


This was a University project that involved creating my own brief and project that would best utilize my skills and give myeself the opportunity Read More
