Quintin Mallac's profile

Poster for tomorrow

The Poster for tomorrow is a competition that has been around for a while and in its final year we were tasked to create a poster that embodied the topics we had covered in our critical studies class. The scenario that I chose to dipict was the issues around 'the other' and how class of humans see themselves as more human than others. This was difficult to portray as by definition I am viewed as being one with a voice. I can speak because of my human attributes. The first contemplation I had was one of an ethical stand point, do I attempt to speak for the other? And if I do, what are the ramifications? Will I be contributing to a problem or am I helping? Is it my place to help? What credentials could I possibly have to qualify me for this task. The answer I don't know but, I was given a task and I decided to approach it in a pragmatic way. Don't assume and make unfounded judgement calls. Rather give an interpretation of the texts but the models and my job would be to enhance the emotive nature of the interpretation by structuring the composition, and the post processing and copy to be added. In the end I give the the viewer authorship to create their own meaning and interpret the image in what ever mode they desire. 
Poster for tomorrow