Heath Bauman's profile

GE Lightbulb Package Redesign

Original layout for package & dotted lines for folds
Color coated segments to distinguish sides
Full design with tabs integrated.  The design was shooting for a bold and attractive shape and color scheme.  The small, gradual gradient from bottom to top of each side also adds style to the design.
Inside design of the package.  The side with text is the "door" that will open to remove the lightbulb from.
Left side mocked up
Front side mocked up; on an angle to show the shape of the package.
Information side
Bottom part of the container contains an inconspicuous GE logo to further add brand recognition.
GE Lightbulb Package Redesign

GE Lightbulb Package Redesign

I chose to redesign a General Electric lightbulb package. My thought process was to create a more attractive package with an attractive color sch Read More
