Ted Boccelli's profile

Ted Boccelli's Work

Branding Strategy: Superlatives are Marketing Hype 
We were thinking, you know, superlatives aren’t really guarantees of truth. A sign that boasts, "World's Best Pizza" doesn’t mean it really is. And shouldn’t a truly great pizza joint include the name Mama? 
So we did this ad. No superlatives. Not even a headline. 

Branding Strategy: Differentiate Through Our DNA  
We’re not about me-too products. There’s no fun in that. So let’s show people how we're different because of who we are and how we think.
Consumer recall of Bose as a leading automotive system supplier increased over 40% in one year. Industry honchos requested posters. 
Branding Strategy: Before and After
On the left, pretty much the audio standard of the time. Stacks. Boxes. Confusion. We wanted to show we had something much more than more of the same.
Bose LifeStyle systems went on to become the most successful audio systems at their price point. 
Brand Direct Response: Flying is a Pain. We Can Help.
We wanted something frequent flyers could relate to instantly. So we chose the most iconic representation we could find. To show we understood. And to let them know we could make flying just a little more enjoyable.
They are among our most rabid fans.
Brand Direct Response: Overcome the Price Objection
Price. The most common sales objection since Oldowan tools. We knew people who tried the headphones bought them. But there were plenty who never tried them because of the price. 
This ad was created to help people understand that cost is one thing, and value quite another.
Brand Direct Response: More With Less
We talked to people about sound systems. What they liked and what they didn’t. Good sound? Gladly pay for it. Small size? Loved it. Noodle with oodles of wires? No thanks.
We hit it straight on, DR without the yuck. It never won an award though. Just smashed the control by a billion electrons.
Branding Strategy: The Power of Music
Over time, life gets in the way of a lot of things we enjoy. We wanted to remind people there are places in the heart only music can reach.  
Executives teared up during the presentation.
Bose Banners

Simple. Effective.
Mimio Interactive Teaching Technology Division
Branding Strategy: Tease the Big Launch
The strategy: shorten the sales cycle by getting educators in the queue before the launch. But we didn’t want to give it up to the competition, so we used copy only to explain the what without showing the how.
Mimio's most successful launch ever.
Mimio Email and Facebook Advertising
New LifeLock Website
The previous website had been tested against again and again and remained undefeated. This was my first opportunity to challenge it. 
Way less bounce. 28% more enrollments.  
LifeLock Banners
LifeLock Landing Pages
General display landing page: 64% web conversion lift.
Google display landing page: 23% web conversion lift.
 Branding Launch Strategy: Unconventional Golf Community Ads  
Golf ads are all the same. Let's do something different. Let prospects know we respect their hard work and success. 
Automotive System Demos
Created to launch new Bose systems at prominent auto shows worldwide. Sit in the car and listen at about 110db. Yum.
Manufacturer CEOs made it mandatory for executives to experience these shows. 
             Auto Demo: "Follow the Music" 3:14   
Auto Demo: "Rhythm of Life" 2:42
     Auto Demo: "Aqua" 2:08
Brand DRTV
"Get Protected" :120
Per direction from the new CMO, create a DRTV spot that was more sophisticated, less fear-based and connected better with an online, younger target. The Director of Direct Response had recently left, so this was my first opportunity to lead development with Havas Edge.  
The spot beat the control by 15% while doubling the number of online enrollments.
Bose had two mandatories for TV spots at the time these were created. First, no music because the viewer wouldn't be hearing it with Bose sound. Second, use testimonials for support.
Quiet Comfort Headphones "Chairs" :30 Cutdown
Wave Music System "Big/Small" :60
Quiet Comfort Headphones "Spotlight" :60
Automotive Partners Holiday Greeting
Branding: The Power of Pansies
Branding: Vogue Magazine Insert
Direct Mail
Ted Boccelli
Ted Boccelli's Work

Ted Boccelli's Work

Ted Boccelli advertising portfolio featuring print, TV, video, direct response.
