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My Game Character

My Character

 In this assignment I had to create my own game character in Adobe Fuse then import it into Mixamo, then send that character into my game that I created in Unity. The world that you see right now is a test area where I can see if there are any complications with my character before blaming it on my own game area, anything done here will be pasted into my project. Complications that I ran into involved my character being transparent, as well as having the eyelashes import with an error (as seen in black). The character had trouble moving for a long while, but I figured it out without having to ask any questions (probably should have just asked). 

Here are pictures of my character, captured by taking a screenshot and cropping the image in Adobe Photoshop. I didn't want the character to seem homeless, but more as if he was stranded there very recently and needed to find a way home. In the final presenting of the project, this character will be the main character of my game. 

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My Game Character

My Game Character

This is a simple character designed for my Unity project.
