Chacha was founded by 3 Malaysians in year 2016 to encourage talking over tea.

Many people from the Chinese community in our country normally choose tea over other beverages to go with their dinner meals, and the conversation on the table normally goes on and on until the taste of the tea goes bland; and thatʼs when this calls for the end of the dinner.

Back then the son and the father are always each other companion where the father runs a tea business. And now the son wanted to preserve his father ambition by keeping the business going, together along with 2 partners, miles away from people they care the most. They believe that tea culture should be preserves, same goes to companionship shouldnʼt be forgotten because itʼs part of our culture our tales.

There are always full of thoughts and words in our mind which we canʼt express toward someone we care, generation nowadays doesnʼt seem to be very expressive. Therefore, Cha Cha is a local brand that strike to create a platform for society to express their care through our product and at the same time to revive over-the-eating-table conversations.

Over the years in Malaysia market, most of the Chinese tea packaging is designed in a conservative and classic way. Thus, it leaves a stereotyped impression to the young generation that Chinese tea is a dull and bound traditional culture. However, the young generations today are visually driven.

To promote the culture of tea in Malaysia, we designed the image of CHACHA in a minimalist way, hoping to attract customers’ attention and open up the young people’s market.

Tea drinking should not be misinterpreted as an elderly patent, but a way to taste your life enjoy your life.


The products included Oolong Tea, Pu-erh Tea and Jasmine Green Tea.

To ensure the quality of our products, we source our Oolong and Jasmine tealeaves from China Fujian, and Pu-erh from Yun Nan which is free from preservatives and artificial flavoring.

Creative Director /
Jay Lim

Designers /
Deryin Teh
Jiun Pheng



CHA CHA Chacha was founded by 3 Malaysians in year 2016 to encourage talking over tea. Many people from the Chinese community in our country n Read More
