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Red Cross Print Project

Print Project: Red Cross

On my last year of Greenside Design Center, we were given a project based on printing while making a poster which we would set up for print based on Red Cross and their activities. The idea behind the poster I did was based on Safe Sex and the prevention of sexually transmitted disease. The poster would be presented in most social areas where adults would interact and initiate in one night stands for example. This Poster is made up of many pickup lines cards which people can tear off and exchange their details if a one night stand had to occur, to help identify, in case of emergencies of sexually transmitted disease. The front of the poster would represent Red Cross and the back of the posters would have your pick up lines and empty areas for details.
I focused on the main colours of the Red Cross and the type which I used was Bebas Neue. I got pick up lines from due to my lack of creativity in the flirting department to actually come up with a witty pick up line.
Red Cross Print Project

Red Cross Print Project
