Local Food Campaign
For my senior capstone project, I developed and designed a local food incentive program called LOCOVORE that centers around a seasonal guidebook filled with educational information, maps, and fun activities for young kids to play with each other and with their families.
The Locovore program centers around field guides which are released each season, and which families can pick up from participating locations (such as the Raleigh Farmer's Market). Each includes information on the fruits and veggies of the season, fun facts and trivia, scavenger hunt, recipes, and journal.
Each guide includes a spread for each fruit and vegetable of the season, complete with facts on nutrition, seasonality, and its use throughout different cultures in history.
Along with the guidebooks, families can pick up a seasonal gameboard which they can hang on the refrigerator. Kids can use included magnets to complete games and activities outlined in the guidebooks. At the end of the season when the activities are completed, kids can bring back the gameboard to receive a special Locovore prize from the farmer's market.
I designed this little info-graphic which is used in the guidebook and accompanying Locovore collateral (signs at the farmer's market, for instance) to indicate when a fruit or veggie is in season.
Opening spread of the Summer field guide, giving some background on local food. Type in the field guide is sometimes set more for adult readers than children, with the intention that parents will get involved to read sections to their kids.
A symbol system indicate the health benefits ofeach fruit and vegetable, as well as how it grows, facts that kids willneed to use to complete their seasonal map.


A local food incentive program called LOCOVORE that centers around a seasonal guidebook filled with educational information, maps, and fun activi Read More
