Amara Moneyas's profile

Intro to Digital Film - Unit 1

Introduction to Digital Film
Activity #1: 1 Subject in 10 Angles
Activity #2: Camera Shots and Composition
(in chronological order)
Cast & Crew: Katie Kent, Evangel De Leon, Amara Moneyas, & Megan Kate Conag-Prasmo
Rule of Thirds - Filming a subject based on a 3x3 grid.

Extreme Close up - Filming dramatically close to the subject to express vulnerability.

Close up - Filming an object or person in a tight form.

Medium Close up - Similar to the Close up, except that it's filmed from a medium                                      distance like from the waist up.

Mid Shot - Filming from a medium distance, used mostly for dialogue sequences.

Full Shot - Filming from a distance far enough to see the subject from top to bottom.

Wide Shot - Used for showing the location of the subject.

Extreme Long Shot - Shot from an extremely large distance, to which people look like                                    small specs in a scene if at all.

Two-Shot - Basically a shot with two subjects in it.

Point of View - Where the audience sees what the subject sees through the camera.

Over The Shoulder - Filming an object from the shoulder of a person.

Eye Level - Filming the subject at an equal level, making it look like it's staring                              directly at you.

High Angle - Filming above the subject from a very high angle, making the shot look                         dramatic.

Low Angle - Filming below the subject, sometimes directly below the subject's feet.

Undershot - Similar to the Low Angle, making the subject look big and powerful.

Overhead - Similar to the High Angle, making the subject look small and                                        unimportant.

Dutch Tilt - Shot on a slant to display confusion and uneasiness.
Activity #3: Camera Movement Exercise
Cast & Crew: Megan Conag-Prasmo, Amara Moneyas, & Megan's sister
Crane Down - Makes you feel like you are going into the subject's world, by going                                 from an eye level shot all the way into a low angle.

Crane up - Shows how big an obstacle is that the subject has to face and how small                        the subject is compared to the obstacle, by going from a low angle all the                        way into an eye level shot.

Crane High to Low Angle - Makes the subject look intimidating and gives the                                                            audience some kind of sense of authority, by going from a                                                high angle all the way to a low angle.

Quick Pan - Can almost switch the emotional direction of a shot instantly by                                    revealing something unexpected or dangerous from behind the subject.

Quick Push in - Creates a feeling of shock and/or surprise by moving quickly into the                              subject as opposed to the Slow Dolly in shot.

Slow Dolly in - Shows intimacy with the subject and creates tension by slowly moving                          closer to it unlike the Quick Push in shot.

Slow Dolly Out - Shows subject looking abandoned and emotionally lost by slowly                                   moving away from the subject.

Dolly Across - Uncovers changes of emotional direction or action in a scene by filming                         from one subject all the way to another subject in the opposite direction.

Glide Cam Camera - Makes audience feel dreamlike and epic, creating an emotion                                          different than if you were doing a Handheld shot.

Handheld - Gives us a feeling of danger or fear by shaking the camera a lttle and                             making it unstable and unsettling.

Glidecam 360 Reveal - Filming all the way around an object. Giving you a                                                           suspenseful feeling, like something is going to happen.
Activity #4: Editing a Mood
Pitch - A young teenager comes home from school, generally having a good day. Although, after she has a nice conversation with her mother, she finds out that someone has wreaked havoc in her room! The mood for this video is basically happiness, calmness, and peacefulness, but with a twist(sort of)! I'm hoping to achieve this by using some yellowish tones and happy music.
Music: All Time Low Instrumental Version by Jon Bellion
Reflection of Editing a Mood

     The music in this video made me feel pretty content and kind of excited. I found myself dancing a little to the song. I think the music went great with the editing and how it went smoothly which was awesome because half of it wasn’t even on purpose. Even though, the editing itself could have been better in my opinion. However, I liked how on some parts I could tell that they were not supposed to happen, but they made the video even better. It made me laugh because the acting just made me cringe. What changed was that I didn’t really feel calm or relaxed, but I still felt happy. All that mattered was that I felt happy because that was the main element. Also, this piece has accomplished to what I wanted because I haven’t felt sad or mad or anything negative in the least while filming, editing, and watching this along with how everyone else who watched and filmed with me felt. Other than that, I believe that I achieved my goal of editing this mood into a happy one. In conclusion, I imagine that my goal has been reached, so thank you. 😊

Activity #5: Foley Art - Purse Thief
Cue List 
1. Wind & Water (00:00 - 00:50)
    Objects: Water bottle & EJ's breath
2. Playing with hair (00:05 - 00:06)
    Object: EJ's hair
3. Sigh/Grunt (00:06 - 00:07)
    Object: EJ's voice
4. Bag Moving (00:12 - 00:13)
    Object: EJ's fanny pack
5. Bag Clip (00:14 - 00:15)
    Object: EJ's wallet
6. Bag Shuffling (00:16 - 00:20)
    Object: EJ's fanny pack
7. Phone Tapping (00:19 - 0:39)
    Megan's calculator
8. Frustrated Grunt (00:19 - 00:19)
    Objects: EJ's voice
9. Thief Steps
     - Walking  (00:20 - 00:23)
     - Running (00:23 - 00:39)
     - Stairs (00:39 - 00:42)
     Objects: EJ's shoes
10. Book Slam (00:25 - 00:25)
      Megan's book
11. “Hero” Steps 
     - Running (00:26 - 00:33)
     - Walking (00:34 - 00:37)
     - Jogging (00:37 - 00:45)
     Objects: Amara's shoes
12. Girl’s Heels 
     - First (00:25 - 00:28)
     - Second (00:39 - 00:40)
     Objects: Megan's high heels
13. Heavy Breathing (x2) (00:30- 00:40)
      Objects: EJ's voice
14. Snatching Bag (00:35- 00:36)
     Objects: EJ's fanny pack
15. Hug (00:45 - 00:50)
      Object: EJ's hair
Crew: Amara Moneyas, Evangel De Leon, & Megan Conag-Prasmo
Reflection of Foley Art - Purse Thief
          In this project, I'd have to say that it was hard, but I kind of like the result. I know the footsteps at the end weren't that great. However, the parts that involved the woman and her purse were pretty good. The wind and water could be better, and the hug at the end also could've been better. Even though this was our first Foley art project ever, it could've been better.
Activity #6: Screenplay Assignment - Inglourious Bastards
          In the Inglourious Bastards screenplay, the action writing indicates that Colonel Hanz Landa is playing mind games with Perrier LaPadite by how he makes LaPadite feel like he is the winner. For example, when Hanz Landa came to Perrier’s house, he treated everyone with kindness and he asked him questions that weren’t going towards if Perrier was hiding Jews or not. Until Landa asks for another cup of milk.
Intro to Digital Film - Unit 1

Intro to Digital Film - Unit 1
