Solo Date Nights


Scene 1 : Start with an indoor shot at the hotel that doesn’t reveal the identity  of the place.
Scene 2 :  A walking in shot.
Scene 3 : An anchor based introduction of the place.
Scene 4: Entering the coffee house with a shot of the name of the coffee shop.
Scene 5 :  Describing the ambience very briefly. Looking at the menu and ordering food.
Scene 6 : Creative pan and still shots of the food being cooked and ambience
Scene 7: Food arrives.
Scene 8 : Creative shots of food.
Scene 9 : Feedback on food and the place.
Scene 10 : Exit shop with voice over on signing out.


Almost everyone today is an expert on food. Once it’s in front of us, we hardly see the other person sitting with us and tend to give our full attention to what’s sitting on the plate.
The hungriest we can ever get is over the weekend when we don’t have any work and we wish to do something, so we wish to find a weekend getaway and visit some nice restaurant/café and sit, relax and enjoy perfect evening and treat ourselves with some delicious food. And the best part of it is that we don’t have to share our food with anyone else. We call this ‘SOLO DATE NIGHTS’.

The episode will consist of a solo adventure date with food, wherein the anchor visits a food joint and gives her overall feedback on the place and the food served along with how she enjoyed her solo adventure. It focuses on suggesting it’s viewers places around Delhi to visit and how one can make the best of it without any company and enjoy a solo ride and spectacular outing and hog onto all the scrumptious delicacies. 

A weekend show which will be an episode of this series  aired on the channel NDTV Good Times.


In today’s scenario, normal food show/documentaries mostly focus on shots of food and promote just the food or the place without incorporating a special element of distinction. Whereas our episode on food carries a strong message of solo date nights and has more to do with how one doesn’t need a company for a weekend getaway to a food joint and they can enjoy it all by themselves with food being the best company. It promotes self food adventure and how one can really enjoy it to the fullest.

Television Show

Television Show
