Brian Lee's profile

The Game Anthropologist

The Game AnthropologistGaming culture from a different perspective.
The Game Anthropologist is here! Striving everyday to bring you the viewer closer to video game culture. A never ending study of gaming culture and the wonderful denizens that make it up.
Main YouTube Channel: The Game Anthropologist
Alternate YouTube Channel: TGA Extras
Twitter: Brian_TGA
The mission statement for The Game Anthropologist program. 
The first episode of the series detailing the anger often expressed by gamers resulting from video games.
A investigative study - both serious and tongue in cheek - about why video games find it difficult to transition to other media.
This video served as a public service announcement and call for gamers to unite around the issue of free speech that was taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court in late 2010.
A detailed account of what made me a gamer and how others can relate to the experience.
A video that makes a serious case as to who is behind the scenes of keeping gamers in precise factions and why it is completely antithetical of what it means to be a gamer.
An end of the year video discussing the issues, gamer releases, and other news from 2011 and why gamers should be grateful.
From the perspective of the gamer, this video accounts the moments in the final installment of the Mass Effect video game franchise.
There is a deep undercurrent of resentment in gaming culture today. This video details what it is and what can be done about it.
Looking back at one of the greatest video game movies of all time, and the 80's.
So what is Konami up to?
It's time to take a long look at the contribution of video game videos to gaming culture.
The Game Anthropologist