It is not easy being a teenager in today’s world.  It seems the more our society focuses on the importance of appearence, the more danger we inflict upon ourselevs and others.  From teen pregancy to fake tanning, eating disorders and underage drinking, teens grapple with a wide range of issues as they grow and develop. These dangers can stem from a number of factors including social, cultural, familial and individual issues. Americas' current teen generation feels the need to be perfect and has the desire to be accepted by their peers. 
For this series I went in two directions.  The first 5 images are meant to take you into the lives of teens stuggling with certian issues.  The feeling of a "fly on the wall" perspective.   The last set of images are more on the editorial side.  The bold colors representing youth and happiness, and the white shirt symblizing purity, yet each child is hurting inside.  If these photos have a mission, it is this: Be aware and offer support, you never know who's life you may save.
(on going series) 
Teen Issues

Teen Issues

It is not easy being a teenager in today’s world. It seems the more our society focuses on the importance of appearence, the more danger we infli Read More


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