Although legal, the vibes of an ongoing illegal street race at that moment was pretty real! The first legal race was indeed well-organised and it was truly phenomenal. Despite the limitation of lighting, with attentiveness, trusty 85mm and a stroke of luck these are my chosen shots.
The starting and finishing line
ready to roll
Faz Adhili itching for the race
Jamal Wagiman ready to rock the track
Eric(left) from fixup and buddy from yellowbike company 
Danial Hakim from Peloton Images explaining the on-going vibes and happenings at the race
Faz Adhili, winner of Holycrit IX 2016
Jamal Wagiman post-race
Zul Awab, one of the man who made Holycrit IX possible
HolyCrit IX

HolyCrit IX


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