The Brief

Alessandro and I (Andrea) have been working together as a creative team for years. When we moved to London, soon we realised that getting noticed in the advertising business was no easy task. Then how could you grab Creative Directors’ attention in such a crowded place?

The Idea

Well, it’s simple: we told them the only thing they would have listened to. We told them they won an award. To do so, we had to use some reliable source though and it had to be Adweek.

The Execution

So we mocked-up their website, wrote a fake article about London’s best agencies and made up a fake Editor in Chief who wrote to every Creative Directors we wanted to get in touch with. Vincent Vague (the fake Editor in Chief) told them they made it to the list of best ass-kicking CDs and invited them to check the article on the mocked-up Adweek website. Finally, every single link on this page was redirecting to our creative team website ( Here, Alessandro and I told the CDs we were the creative team that can bring them the next award they’re looking for.

That was our personal way to tell Adland we were in town. Cool, isn’t it?
One More Bravo

Project Made For

One More Bravo

London is a crowded and hectic city and grabbing Creative Directors' attention is no easy job.
