paul westergÄrd's profile

Honeyshed / Droga5

"Honeyshed is unique.

Honeyshed is the evolution of the direct sales channels into the digital environment and tailored for a young digital audience.

Honeyshed is digital at their core, not a digital extension of traditional media. 

Honeyshed reviews products, evangelizes brands and enables social interactivity while being "real" to their unique audience.  From the site design through content, from twitter through their blogs (refreshing soon), they ooze "getting it".  Honeyshed is the place where youngsters go to to find out what's hot, to get their daily dish, to share and interact, to create their own shareable wishlists (your stash)... and there is more to come."        

                                                                                              -Jon Burg (Future Vision, "Honeyshed
 its's alive!")


Honeyshed was a creative experiment born from a partnership between the advertising agency Droga5, production house Smuggler and funding from Publicis Groupe. It’s aim was to reinvent the online-shopping experience to make it more entertaining and engaging for the 18- to 35-year-old-set. Users could digitally "window shop" brands via vignettes in which attractive youngsters peddle products on channels dubbed "Fun Shit" and "Kicks to Lids" before making online purchases.

Honeyshed launched in a beta incarnation in November 2007, before officially going live.


Agencies: Droga5 (New York), Publicis (London)
Chairman: David Droga
Company: Smuggler
Executive Director: B. Beletic
Executive Producer: Kelly Frasier
Production Designer: Robbie Freed
Design: Paul Westergard


Honeyshed / Droga5

Honeyshed / Droga5
