I’m a grown woman, or at least I am supposed to be. I still believe in dreams.
“Follow your dreams.
They know the way.”

― Kobi Yamada

The inspirational literature is full of stories of people who left their jobs, believing in the kind of world where they can make a living doing something they love..that gave it a chance..

How many times have you heard stories like these?
Of People who made a leap to follow their passion 
waiting to see if hard working over their dream would have been successful..
working harder..

and then..
Nothing happened.

The assumption that you can just drop everything to follow an interest that may or may not be able to support you, is the problem when we have to face reality.
No matter how passionate you are about something, nobody cares about it simply because you do.

I know too, what pushes you over the edge because you feel like you can’t go on with your every day life.
I know what it’s like to feel lost... 
The breathing in my chest pushing in and out rapidly...
My heart pounding against my ribs...
Tears rushing down my face...

Even back then I was a grown woman, or at least I was supposed to be.
Generally feel-good aphorisms seem oversimplified to me, not acknowledging the complexity of the human experience. I usually roll my eyes, smiling a little....
But a smile is still a good starting point.

Maybe dreams are like stars, unreachable. But trying to reach them, they will lead you somewhere.
It may just not be possible to do it for a living, but we can still find  joy and follow our passions.
Many of us spend a lot of time doing things we don't necessarily love most of the time, but those too, are usefull in their own ways.
So.. I can still ask myself:

Do I have a dream?
A desire?
A wish?
Is it possible to follow it?

What’s my dream??

I want to be an astronomer, an archaeologist in my free time and I want to be able to fly.
Well.. Not ‘to fly’ in the traditional sense, like on a plane.. I want wings.
It’s a childhood dream.

But for now... here I am...
A grown woman, or at least I am supposed to be
And here I am...
knowing that not all my dreams are achievable
but still here I am..

I will wait.
I still have time to see on which way my dreams will bring me
Is NEVER too late

Is NEVER too late

Is never too late to see where your dreams bring you
