Luther Spicer's profile Branding

A selection of the visual reference and target market research that
was undertaken before work began.
The core brand identity.
The identity also works reversed out of a selection of colours from the brand's palette.
A system for creating abstract icons to represent vaious areas of the site.
The brand applied to core stationery and bespoke stickers.
A temporary holding page that registers your details, allows you to keep updated via
Facebook and Twitter. There is also a countdown feature leading up to the site's launch date.
A short animated ident was created for all video content.
A brand guidelines document was created for their in-house design team to
ensure a consistent tone of voice as the brand grows and develops.
The style guide covered areas such as core fonts, tone of voice, logo placement,
spacing and also the colour palette as shown above.
There were also more detailed tutorials on creation of glossy elements,
reflections and photographic treatments.
Finally, the guidelines gave help on the approach for selecting appropriate
imagery and advice for future shoots. Branding
Published: Branding

An overview of a recent branding project including application to web, motion graphics and a brand guidelines document.
