'' FANS '' - An interactive art installation

" Fans " is an interactive installation for transit spaces to help people on the go to take few minutes out of their mundane and monotonous life and have a playful experience.

The installation explores the behavioural characteristics found in the machines and simultaneously understanding their interactions among each other and the humans.
Every machine seems to embody characteristics resembling those exhibited by the humans in general.

Fans with sweep functionality, were found to be immensely intriguing as they imitated the human characteristic of the male gaze.These, when placed together, simulated a group of perverts on the streets, calling for attention, with their gestures.

The installation, represents the fans jabbering with each other .
On detecting the presence of the viewer, they seem to “gaze” the viewer by aligning their heads along with the position of the viewer.They further try to seek the viewer’s attention by blowing whistle at them hence building interactivity.

Digital Prototype
'' FANS '' - An interactive art installation

'' FANS '' - An interactive art installation

Interactive art installation for transit spaces.
