form and texture
This is my first ever sculpture piece. I did this in a weekend on one of Andy Worthington's sculpture weekend courses. My wife had organised it for me as a birthday present. He runs them in the grounds of Mount Pleasant gardens, near Kelsaw.

Andy's a great guy and is really supportive. I would recommend his courses for anyone. Check him out at the Tatton show, where he exhibits regularly.

 The material is Maltese limestone. It's lovely to carve, not too hard, but holds the detail really well. Its approx 18" across.

I had researched a few idea before hand and kept the ideas of a nautilus shell and drew out the texture.

I mounted it on a couple of railway sleepers in the garden, amongst the shrubs. The timber sleepers provide a wonderful contrast to the stone, setting it off in just the right way.


Stone carving of Nautilus shell


Creative Fields