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In The News: Red Shirt Rally, Kuala Lumpur.

Anti riot police FRU (Federal Reserve Unit) on standby as the Red Shirt Protestor starts to fill in Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak
FRU watches on standby as the crowd starts to get rowdy. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Water canon fired to help disperse the protestor at Petaling Street. Photo by Fadza Ishak.
Protesters wearing red shirts marched in the Malaysian capital city of Kuala Lumpur on September 16, 2015.  
The demonstrators gathered to counter a protest last month that called for Prime Minister Najib's resignation over a scandal.  
The red shirt protests come on Malaysia Day, as the demonstrators wanted to show a unified country amid all the scandal and conflict that has plagued the nation recently.
In The News: Red Shirt Rally, Kuala Lumpur.

In The News: Red Shirt Rally, Kuala Lumpur.

Red Shirt Rally protest images by Fadza Ishak/NEWZULU
