The project was about all major natural disasters that have been a highlight in earth’s history. The main approach of the design will be to communicate to the viewer the scale; destructive force and damage done to the natural landscapes, furthermore the addition of the costs of repair from the aftermath and the death toll that the event caused. Looking to add layers to the design that will quantify the impact and explosive units of the events to a more relatable measurement.
The subject of this type of poster doesn’t quite fit to be for households or generic posters due to the serious subject but a poster more for a library or museum. Aimed to impact and catch viewers eyes, where they can really grasp the immense scale of these disasters.
Throughout the design it became more adamant that there should be more focus on colours. The colours I used really added to the attraction and contrast, not intentionally but as the design became more finalised the detail of visuals had to become lowered to take the clutter away from it to become more sleek and clean.
The World's Worst

The World's Worst

The project was about all major natural disasters that have been a highlight in earth’s history. The main approach of the design will be to commu Read More
