It's an App. It's a Zine. It's an Attitude.
As part of my final year graphic design major, i've chosen to do my Major Project on a very controversial topic: Climate Change. The challenge was to promote awareness about Carbon Footprint and to encourage people to act positively for the environment.

My approach was to create an experience through this campaign, to tell people that they too, can become heroes. The symbol serves as a basis for a network, in which users can relate to other users through the message it carries. The tagline, "It's an App. It's a Zine. It's an Attitude." tells the market in simple words what envirohero
 is about, and to reflect how easy it is to make a positive difference with my anchor, the envirohero iPad app.
Discover new and unique challenges as you read, relevant to the content of the article you're reading.
Detailed challenges help the users get into a positive habit by setting time limits and requirements.
Calculating your Carbon Footprint has never been so easy, with the inbuilt Carbon Footprint Calculator. As you answer the simple multiple choice questions, the app will automatically calculate your average CO2 emission as you progress.
Share your findings in this app with your social network, from sharing articles and challenges to your Facebook, to tweeting a small quote from your favorite article.
Track your challenges daily, and see real-time calculations on how your emission will change if you persist your current pattern.
Your results are displayed in the footprint Overview, where users can see how they're progressing through easy-to-understand charts and graphs.
Feel like offsetting your Carbon Footprint? No problem. With the inbuilt Carbon Offsetter, the prices for each type of offset is calculated for you automatically. All you have to do is to input your payment details and pay, and we'll offset your CO2 emission for you. No fuss.
A Direct Mail promo that reflects the message of the tagline, making a change is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
The official website to promote the envirohero app.
This entire campaign is not real, but part of my Major Project for my final year of Graphic Design. The iPad app is supposed to have an iPhone/iPod counterpart that focuses more on the individual and portability, but due to time restraints i decided to focus only on the iPad as it provides more space and opportunity for creative design.

Thank you for checking out my project, if you like this one please follow me, as i'll be updating more of my work on my profile.


As my Major Project for my final year of Graphic Design, i've chosen to base it on Climate Change. The aim is to promote awareness about Carbon F Read More
