At South Piedmont Community College we developed an internal campaign to promote the new mobile app SPCC Navigate. Our language wanted to present that fact that this app is making everything simple! The answer to any question is to "simply navigate" to the app... The campaign included email campaigns, social media posts, gifs, videos, t-shirts, flyers, posters, stencils chalked on to sidewalks and more. Our goal 1,000 downloads in 10 days. To view our video click here:
To promote our Career and College Pathways to high school students for the Spring 2019 semester. Advertising included paid social media, direct mail (postcard), radio spots, cinema preview, new print materials in high schools, high school banners, geo-fencing near high schools. Spring enrollment saw in increase by 220 headcount -- putting us above 3,000 enrollment the highest enrollment to-date.
Because of COVID restrictions in Correctional facilities, SPCC needed to find new solutions for being top of mind for offenders without physically being in the prisons. Marketing developed a campaign where only "RE" words would be used to show that offenders can start over and make a new life after incarceration. Materials were put in an initial packet for new offenders as well as posters, banners, and digital displays throughout the prisons. During last semester after the campaign launch, courses were seeing between a 1.7 to 4.26% increase. SPCC also had it's first High School Equivalency graduate.
Spearheaded a redesign of FSU's website. Added a marketing emphasis for prospective students. 
Traditionally Different campaign - recruitment effort for traditional students. Featured students with varying interests along with video clips. Used in social media, marketing and printed materials.
All Traditionally Different materials focused on students, alumni and employees who were traditional and different - all with interesting stories to tell. The campaign increased social media followers by 50% and also impacted a record-breaking fall enrollment.
Redesigned the Equestrian Guide (used for recruiting). The single image has a better visual look, also a small size and heavier paper makes for an easier read. View the entire guide at:
Included email and social media campaigns. Set up campaign on Thunderclap where we gained 100 supporters and our message was sent out to over 104,000 people on social media. We exceeded our goal and raised almost $9,000.
Prior to this design, Admissions was sending out a folder with black and white copies of forms, etc. This was the first contact after being accepted to SAU. I suggested a uniform look with color and graduated pages. Along with a fun piece with which students could post selfies! The packet looks much more professional and offers a meaningful layout to help students and parents navigate easier.
A week prior to the new website reveal, I launched a countdown campaign via email and social media. The countdown included a graphic and a tip of the the day describing a new feature on the website. This resulted in a very positive response with very little negative feedback.
Created a series of postcards in-house for Admissions. This ultimately saved thousands of dollars.
Postcards for admissions. Used for miscellaneous contact for prospective students.
Create a series of posters for a new student group "The Poster Project" Included logo creation, design. Promoted on website and social media. Additionally created a video for promotion as well. 


Website countdown with tips via email and social media.
