Digital Artwork
I have studied the art of digital design throughout my four years in university. Displayed below are some of the personal and professional projects I have created recently using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I hope to continue to enhance my design skills and challenge myself with different audiences and themes. 
This piece represents the way technology creates us and shapes the future of humanity. I depicted this by featuring four well-known and commonly used technologies. In summary, this project shows the many ways in which humans have become addicted to technology and that it often helps determine who we are.
This piece allowed me to experiment with textures and colours to create a soothing 2D spatial arrangement. 
For this piece I decided to create a photogram using a lightbulb. The concept is based off of the struggle I had with coming up with a solid idea. The image is representing ideas in the making which come together to create one concrete thought. 
This image is from a project in university where we created visual representations of words. I chose to create the word 'construction' using different tools. This project offered me practice drawing in Adobe Illustrator.
This piece challenged my ability to use text to describe a serious theme. The word “R.I.P.” is written in a thick, grey script which has a drop shadow that resembles a tombstone carving. “Steer clear of drinking and driving” is created out of a large rounded script that is formed around a circle to create a steering wheel. The words “don’t drink and drive” are repeated many times to create the bars in the steering wheel as well as the martini glass found in the middle to show that drunk drivers are not focused on the road.
Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork

These projects helped me to discover many new skills as well as polish others. I have been working on photoshop and illustrator for a number of y Read More
