Vítor Vilas Boas's profile

Crumbs - Pastry Shop

Exercise of a possible logo for a pastry shop, trying to do the most in the smallest amount of time, keeping it simple and basing the whole concept solely on the name "Crumbs".
Initial Sketck, forcefully used as the map for final concept and brand identity.
Logo application on a sign - ence the use of a plate looking backgrandound (also bitten) and the inclusion of the tagline "taste, til the end", done to maximize theintensity of the concept.
Logo and tagline simple application on coffee cups .
Logo and tagline applied to a possible delivery box/orders to go - also containing the bite mark and crumbs look.
Possible t-shirt fpr employees , containing the logo at the center and the bite mark/crumbs on the lower corner. The tagline is still present at the sleeve (not masterfully done, but I put the blame on the clock that kept running).
Finally, a simple website/app possibilty, featuring the options to view the menu and know more about the shop, or register and be able to order from home.
This was a small project done to help some underdgree students on their advertsing class, showing a few possible options of what to do and how thet could use the Photoshop/Illustrator in a simple way.
Hope you liked it or that it was helpfull,if you are also on the beggining of some task like this :)
VVB - 2014
Crumbs - Pastry Shop