Jade Sylvester's profile

Professional Practice - Huddersfield Rebrand

Year 2 - Project 2
This project was handed to me and my other peers by our tutors to complete. We had to venture around Huddersfield in small groups and look at all of the shops that we're out there in the town. After this we had to then pick a shop in which we would like to rebrand.
Me and my group chose Teeboy as we had special connections from one of the group members. Teeboy is a clothing shop that is originally from Wakefield but they have opened up a shop in Huddersfield too. They sell unisex clothing that aim their clothing at teenagers+. 
After we figured out what we wanted to do, we created a few research sheets together and then we had to split off and take it our own way with the rebrand. I opted for creating a few new designs invloving the company name. I noticed that on their clothing they had the original logo, but also a few other versions of their company name but with differeny type and styles. I ended up doing 4 design's over all (with 6 versions of each design) and showed how they would look on clothing.
Before creating my design's, I had to look into and create a set of branding guidelines to follow. This was the most challenging part as I knew that I had to follow them when creating my designs, but I didnt want to make them to simple or too complicated to follow.
I enjoyed creating work for this project as it was like a live brief, we had to do work as if that company had hired us to create it. 
Professional Practice - Huddersfield Rebrand

Professional Practice - Huddersfield Rebrand

Huddersfield Rebrand on Teeboy
