Pat (eyolouss)'s profile

Stop Motion/ Experimental Animation

SAIGO NO SHUDAN( ), a team of animators from Japan conducted a 4 day   workshop. As part of the workshop we were given a theme a day and materials to work with for that theme.  Based on this we had to come up with a short animation by the next day. The following are the results :
THEME : Hands + Universe

MATERIALS : We were asked to use anything we find in our surroundings. I took most of mine from the textile studio bin.

For the sound design I used a lot of video game sounds from the 90's  that  was partly  sourced from the internet and partly created by me. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

THEME: Madness

MATERIALS: None . We were asked to go outdoors and use our camera to shoot  pictures of  anything that we thought relevant.
For this film i created a never ending loop of visuals and was inspired by the film " Run Lola Run".

Through the visuals i tried to tell the story of how rumours begin and cycle around an ecosystem like a disease creating a 
mad cacophony.

A grainy effect was added to the visuals to create an eerie feeling.
Music credits:  La Bicicleta de Cristal by Balun

 The soundtrack gives the feeling of time passing by but also has a twisted madness to it which i thought was appropriate for the story i wanted to tell.

Stop Motion/ Experimental Animation

Stop Motion/ Experimental Animation

A four day fun workshop.
