Jeremy Lord
When you know Jeremy Lord idolises Claude Monet, would like a pencil he could control with his mind and hates suncream on his hands, it’s quite apparent he’s half French. However, with an Aussie Dad and the last five years spent in Sydney, his almost perfect Australian accent could have you confused.
A child who drew all over his maths homework, Jeremy’s logical choice for further education was in the arts. He studied Graphic Design at Ecole Superieure d’Arts Graphiques in Paris and animation at Ballyfermot Senior College in Dublin.
Take a look at his illustration and you’ll see quintessential French typography, suicide girls and burlesque themes fused with Manga and calligraphic influences. From hand-rendered lettering to airbrushed, photoreal portraiture and tattoo design, his work reveals Jeremy as a chameleon of the illustration world, capable of adapting his style for any brief.  He most recently illustrated the ‘Meet Weary Dunlop’ picture book series for Random House and is steadily taking over the illustration world brush stroke at a time.
Jeremy Lord


Jeremy Lord

Work from Jeremy Lord
