Regain your Humanity
Banner Ad
Elevator Placement
Video Game Tie-In
Call of Duty: Black Ops- Nazi Zombies
Turning the Tide Map DLC

To further integrate and demonstrate the Excedrin campaign of 'Regain Your Humanity,' we wanted to bring it right into the demographic's living room in a powerful way that they could interact with. What better way than to join Excedrin with video games? And what better video game to demonstrate the transformational qualities of Excedrin than with Nazi zombies?

We would work with the game developers to create a free DLC add-on that would include a unique, new map for Call of Duty: Black Ops- Nazi Zombies. The map would be located in a decimated hospital building, and would begin similarly to any other map. After players earned enough points, they could unlock a special, unique gun. This gun will shoot out Excedrin capsules which result in a unique effect. Once a zombies is hit with a couple pills, they rapidly change back into a normal human, comment on how they are feeling better, possibly even thanking the shooter, and then wander off. The remaining zombies could even attack the recovered human, giving the shooter a slight break.

We would also create a trophy/achievement called "Regain Your Humanity" which can be unlocked after 'curing' a set number of zombies, and another called "True Humanitarian" for a higher number.
Video Game Screenshot


advertising campaign for Excedrin


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