TVC HP X360 Bendtherules

#bendtherules is the global communication for HP. Its the way you see the rules in different ways. In Indonesia, we are asked to translate it to be more local. Hence, we seek what is the basic rules in Indonesia and how we bend it. Using this 60 seconds commercial, we communicate three main rules, from education, outfit of successful person, and working hours rules. As the target in millenials (young and living urban area), we found those three basic rules could amplified these targets. It tooks four days shooting. We shoot in Jogjakarta, central java, Indonesia. We found amazing scenery, and it was a great shoot experience because we have to went down to the beach and also went up to the mountain. At the end, it was such great collaboration with the director and also the music composer. They add an emotional feeling to the commercial. Currently, we are working for next bendtherules commercial, stay tune for nex update.
TVC HP X360 Bendtherules