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Água de Fruta

Água de Fruta was a project done for de the course of Desenvolvimento de Programação Visual III at ESDI/UERJ in 2014. 
Done with Vinicius Alt.
The goal of the project was to either redesign or create a new product based on the analysis of two different ones that already exist in the market.
We started analysing both the energy drink i9 and Baton, a cylinder shaped chocolate.
After researching on both products we decided to focus on changing the energy drink in some big areas:
_The shape of the bottle should be different, so the consumer would not confuse it for a normal energy drink. We also wanted it to be memorable, so that it is instantly recognizable on the shelf for being a product different from any other on the (brazilian) market.
_ The drink would focus more on a healthy energy and approach it with natural flavours, also focusing on containing ingredients (vitamins, minerals etc) that would be needed not after a workout, but to a busy schedule. The use of brazilian ingredients was preferred.
_ It needed a name that is easier to pronounce and relates to what it is. 
With that we first worked on the flavours, listing some fruit that were popular amongst brazilians and decided on making all of them based on coconut water - a very popular drink that is known for being healthy. 
As we wouldn't be able to taste test we just chose two option of flavours to exemplify - lime with orange and cashew fruit. Ideally the drink would be very light flavoured and coloured, no artificial colourings.
For the name we went with "água de fruta" (fruit water) as it reminds people of the coconut water (água de côco) and that it has many other fruits in it (fruta). It also shows how it is not supposed to be a juice but something very light and soft (watery).
Água de Fruta

Água de Fruta

A project that recreates a product based on the analysis of two different ones that already exist in the market.
