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Fuse Liquor Flavoured Condoms : Advertising & Branding

Liquor Flavoured Condoms
This was an advertising and branding project for a new range of flavoured condoms, Liquor Flavoured Condoms. The three flavours decided upon by the client were Gin, Vodka and Rum because according to a research conducted previously, these three varieties of alcohol are the most popular forms of alcohol among the 'westernised women of the 21st century' and usually flavoured condoms are targetted towards women. But we wanted to change this positioning and make the condom a unisex product cause a condom, no matter what the variant at the end of the day is a product that is used by both the male and the female partner at the same time. Flavoured condoms usually target women in their 30's but we decided to target people in the age group of 18-25 years of age. This is because from an earlier research conducted, it was found that people usually start drinking around the age of 16-21.      
Initial Sketches
Typographic Iterations with the 'Sigma' which is the symbol for a Fuse in Circuit Diagram
Interation trying to convey various ideas attached to the word Fuse. Energy Rush, Intertwining, Electricity
Various Iteration focussing on the Energy Rush
The Boxes. Vodka, Gin, Rum and Mixed (Clockwise) Flavoured Condoms
Usage Instruction Cards which can also be used as Door Knob Signs since our target audience uses shared spaces
Through our research, we learnt that hanging a sock or a tie or any garment accessory on a door knob is supposed to be a warning to outsiders that there is a couple having sex inside the room. This has been a common practice in University Dormitories in the western countires and is slowly catching up as a regular in our country as well in places where a couple has to use shared spaces like PG's, Hostels and Shared Apartments. We decided to use the sock as our symbol of openness and incorporated it in all our print ads.
Press Ads
Press Ads
Two hostel boys employed for 'pehra' outside a closed door. But what could they be guarding?
Amitabh Bachchan in 'Sharaabi' feels romantic after downing a few. So does 'she'.
Fuse Liquor Flavoured Condoms : Advertising & Branding

Fuse Liquor Flavoured Condoms : Advertising & Branding

An Advertising and Branding project for Liquor Flavoured Condoms.
